
The company can provide customers with the following solutions.

Civil Aviation Interior Decoration Solution

Meron Airlines has been engaged in the research and development, design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of aircraft interior for many years, and has accumulated rich engineering experience. The interior team has participated in the development of interior systems for ARJ21, C919 and A350 aircraft, and provided interior products for some of them. In addition, according to customer needs, Meilong can develop and design rail transit interior and composite structure parts for customers.

Business scope mainly includes:

& nbsp; & nbsp; & Civil Aviation (rail transit) cockpit interior design and manufacture

& nbsp; & nbsp; & Civil Aviation (rail transit) cabin interior design and manufacture

& nbsp; & nbsp; & Civil Aviation (rail transit) interior design and manufacture

& nbsp; & nbsp; & Design and manufacture of kitchen and toilet for civil aviation aircraft

& nbsp; & nbsp; & interior design and manufacture of civil aviation aircraft simulator

Composite Solution

Jiangsu Meilong has been engaged in the design and manufacture of high performance composite materials for many years, and has provided composite materials products for C919 aircraft, domestic large aircraft and other key projects. After years of project experience accumulation, the solution of high performance composite materials is gradually formed, which can provide customers with technical service support from demand analysis, material scheme, design scheme, engineering manufacturing and other aspects.

Business scope mainly includes:

& design and manufacture of radome

& nbsp; & nbsp; & manufacturing of composite bearing parts

& performance test of nbsp; & nbsp; & 0 composites

Aviation Component Solution

The company provides the whole process solutions of R&D, design, manufacture, assembly, repair and maintenance of aviation components. Through the research and development of several aviation components, the R&D team has formed perfect solutions in project management, technology management, design verification, process development and so on. The team has taken the lead in the development of the structure cabin of a certain type of domestic airborne equipment, the airborne platform of a certain type of domestic airborne equipment and other types of components, and has been highly recognized by customers.

Business scope mainly includes:

& nbsp; & nbsp; & high precision machining of metal parts

& nbsp; & nbsp; & aviation assembly plan formulation and implementation

& nbsp; & nbsp; & Design and manufacture of assembly frame

& nbsp; & nbsp; & assembly process optimization